Saturday, August 14, 2010

My 'Baby' is Standing. Soon she will be Walking!

Hi Everyone,

How are you?

Just wanted to share that my web designer and I met this week and we are working on my new website. At the moment passions to profitability is just a page. Over the next few months, 'she' will grow into a website. This is so exciting!

As my book The Anmazing Race to Entrepreneurial Freedom is ready! Yes, my book is ready! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. In a few weeks, it will be available on Amazon too!

As friends, family, clients, workshop participants are all excited about reading my book The Amazing Race to Entrepreneurial Freedom, the web designer and I will focus on the book page first, so you can order the book! This should be ready by the end of August!

The journey of writing, editing, and publishing my book has been Amazing! It's taken longer than I thought it would (I always want things done yesterday). I now realise it has taken the time it was supposed to! (My 'baby' was crawling - no baby just gets up and starts to run right away!)

(A slight detour - My sister Dora recently had a baby, my niece Fallon. Fallon is now 10 months old and I have watched how she started to crawl (backwards at first), and then started to have confidence to stand and now is being adventurous in walking, as she holds on anything she can to steady herself). Watching her has reminded me, that things take time and there is a process!

I will be sending you progress reports, as my 'baby' The Amazing Race to Entrepreneurial Freedom progresses from crawling and starts to get ready to take her first steps!

Bye for now

Live YOUR Passion


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