Friday, July 31, 2009

Making Work become Play

Hi Everyone,

I am getting much better with technology these days!!! I have found out how to upload videos.

Where there is a will there is a way!!

Here, I have attached one of the outtakes from our video filming night!!


Bye for now


How does 2 +4 = 240?

Hi Everyone,

How are you?

So do you know the answer? The answer is -

When 2 friends are trying to film 4 minutes of video, that takes 4 hours(i.e. 240 minutes)!!! Sorry, it's the accountant in me, number love to show up from time to time.

Yes, that right!! I was filming a few videos clips for my new website. It was fun. We had to do so many takes, we just kept laughing. At I point, I even forgot what my name was.....My name is....?

I kept some of the outtakes and I will share them with you later on.

We really had fun with the process. I now have even more admiration for actors who have to do 2 hour films!!

Once the site is up, I will send you the link.

The important lesson for me was to enjoy the process. Even though it took a long time, we made the work fun, so it felt like play. So we enjoyed ourselves, we were not frustrated, we laughed etc.

So how will you make what you are doing today fun, so that it feels effortless and enjoyable?

Bye for now.


9 Ways to Achieve Extraordinary Performance in your team

Hi Everyone,

I realised the link did not work, so I have attached the article here for you.




Nine Ways to Achieve Extraordinary Performance in your Team
by Georgina Terry

Business TeamEffective teamwork is essential to your organization’s performance.

There are many teamwork definitions, but this is one of my favourites:

‘A tight knit group of competent individuals who care deeply about each other. They are fiercely committed to their mission, and are highly motivated to combing their energy and expertise to achieve a common objective.’
Are you part of a great team?
If you said yes, what makes your team great? What is your contribution to the team’s success? What outstanding results have you been able to achieve together?
If you said no, what are YOU doing that is stopping the team from being great? Yes, we all contribute to our current situations.
Working with a great group of people, creating an amazing bond and achieving great results, is a wonderful feeling.

There are certain qualities that a high performing team exhibits that will enable you to achieve great things. Below are nine fundamental behaviours that can help your team achieve extraordinary results.

1. Totally committed to each other and your overall goal
2. Curious before critical
3. Focused on the hope of success
4. Embrace people for what they bring to the team
5. Everyone accepts responsibly for all that happens – there is a ‘we’ mentality
6. Hire the inspired or inspire the hired
7. There is no room for egos
8. The appropriate leadership style is found to fit the current situation
9. The ‘leader’ in each person is given space to be ‘step up’

Which behaviours does you team already possess? When was the last time you saw these being demonstrated?

And which elements does your team need to demonstrate more on?

What more could your team achieve, if you were consistently demonstrating these behaviours? What would it feel like to work together like this? What would others say about your team?

By having faith and trust in each other, ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things!!!

Georgina Terry FCCA

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Extraordinary Performance

Hi Everyone,

Gosh, two posts in one day!!!

I told you I was back!!

Check out my article on how to create extraordinary performance

Let me know your thoughts.

Bye for now


Challenges are Opportunities in Disguise

Hi Everyone,

Have you missed me!!!

I have been hibernating for a while, working through the challenges that this recession has sent my way.

But I have now really come to realize (I say 'really' realize, because I thought I knew before, but didn't fully), that our challenges are really our opportunities in disguise!!

The impact of this current economic climate on me and my businesses is really rewarding!!

I have been rebranding myself, developing gifts for clients, creating new products and services, increasing my technology knowledge and reassessing my business priorities.

For one of my businesses, my business partner and I realised that we had strayed from our core service and this was hurting the overall business and draining our profits.

So we took the decision to let go of the lost making part of the business and concentrate on the core business and since then our business is back on course.

I can honestly say, it has been a refreshing, rewarding, rebirthing and humbling experience, that is allowing me to gain greater strength, clarity, passion and purpose.

What opportunities has this current economic climate brought to you?

Bye for now


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Catching the Train

Hi Everyone,

How are you?

I just wanted to share something with you.

I was in Philadelphia for a business meeting on Monday and when I was dropped off at the train station. I realised I was on the wrong platform.

I could see the train in the distance!! I was given instructions on how to get across by fellow travellers!!

I had a really heavy overnight bag, plus I only had 5 hours sleep in two days, so I was really knackered (tired).

I picked up my bag and started to run. As I ran down the platform, the train pulled in and I still had not crossed over. I found energy and strength from within and ran even faster.

Just I approached the stairs, the train conductor said to me, just little bit longer, you are almost there'

I got on the train breathless, but happy, I had made it!!

When I got on the train one of the passengers looked up and said...'You are really lucky, he waited for you, they don't usually do that'.

I said to her...'The world is changing for the better each and everyday'.

I thanked the train conductor when he came to collect payment for my ticket and I made sure, I thanked him again, when I got to my stop.

When I saw the train and decided I was going to do all I could to get it. I could have told myself, 'I won't make it or I'll wait for the next one or He won't wait for me etc' But I didn't I just got going!!

What areas in your life are you catching your 'train'?

What areas of your life are you letting the 'train' go, only to realise that you missed a great opportunity and no one knows when the next 'train' is coming?

What can you do to catch your 'train in life'? What do you need to believe to catch your 'train' to have the life you really deserve and desire?

Bye for now
