Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's all coming along nicely

Hi Everyone,

I meant the book development, not the Christmas preparation!!

How is your Christmas shaping up? I can't believe that it will be Christmas Day on Friday?!! We have the tree up and decorated...hurray, but we have not bought a single gift yet!! That's tomorrow's action and focus!!

With regards to the book, things are working well. The copy for the back of the book and the about Author (yes, that's me, the Author!:)) page was completed today.

Today I signed off on the font, layout and graphics to be used in the book with the book designer.

I have narrowed the cover down to two final choices, I will decide by tomorrow, if you want to take part, let me know, give me your email address and I will send you the cover choices.

The layout cover etc will be completed by Christmas eve and the final final editing before publishing completed by 29th December!!

Have you ever dreamt about writing a book? If yes, what do you need to let go of, to move you closer to your dream?

Bye for now

Live YOUR Passion


Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Slight Set Back

Hi Everyone,

I don't know if any of you have realised that I have not been talking about my marathon training for a while!!

Well, I have pulled my hamstring and therefore have been unable to run!!:(

I rested for a few days, then I ran about two weeks ago, it was fine while I was running, but after I was in pain and it is still painful, even to walk on occasion!!

But I am not letting this get me down. I will still participate in the marathon. I will rest for the Christmas period and come back out again in the new year!

A friend who competed in a marathon shared today, that I can run in the water for 45 mins and this will help to take pressure off my legs, but also allow me to keep training.

What set backs are you working on overcoming?

Bye for now


Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Manscript is completed !!

Hi Everyone,

I just had to share this great moment with you!! My first manuscript is complete!! Wow, what a great feeling!! I am overjoyed!!

This process started in earnest in the beginning of November!! I had material written in different places, but the ingredients were all there!!

I am sooooooooooooooooooooo excited!! Mu manuscript (I like the sound of that, so I'll say it again, my manuscript has just been sent to the book designer. The book designer will design create the layout, font size, book cover etc.

I am smiling from ear to ear!!

Thank you for your support everyone!! My dream is becoming a REALITY!!! I must find away to celebrate tonight!!!

What dream do you have, that you want to become a REALITY?

Bye for now


I'll be on Internet Radio Tonight

Hi Everyone,

I will be on Internet Radio tonight with Lydia (our host) and Kaffi. Feel free to stop by and join in, as we discuss the Power of Living a Purposeful Life.

'Another opportunity to connect. You have all been invited to listen to an Empowering Space - Your Hour of Power where you can come listen, participate, call in, and share this hour with the facilitators and coaches.

Join us Thursday 17th, 2009 at 8:00pm EST - 9:00 local time www.blogtalkradio.com/empoweringspace. You can join in via the internet.

As we get ready to move into the New Year, it is the perfect opportunity to think about all the things that make our hearts and soul sing and that bring us joy. Looking at those things will give us insights to when we are living a purposeful life.

* How would you know you were living a Purposeful Life?
* What would be different from how you are living your life now?
* What is a life purpose?
* What does your heart and soul thrive upon?
* How can you uncover Your purpose?

Hope to speak to you later.

Bye for now


Monday, December 14, 2009

Some feedback on my book

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to share with you some feedback I received on the draft manuscript

'The Amazing Race to Entrepreneurial Freedom combines a personal account of the author's experiences regarding entrepreneurship with the essential procedures for starting a business. The book provides readers with motivation to consider changing their lives in a positive way and to look for challenges which will make them more entrepreneurial not only in terms of business but also in other aspects of their life.'

Dr Robert E Nelson, Professor Emeritus, Senior Scholar in Residence, Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership,Champaign Illinois

Bye for now!


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Options for the Cover of My First Book

Hi Everyone,

How are you?

I wonder if you can help me please. I have received 3 book cover designs to choose from. Would you be willing to be part of my focus group to deciding on the cover?

If yes, please leave a message on my blog (with your email) or facebook page, so that I can pull together the focus group. I do not want to bombard people who do not have the time or who are not interested, with unnecessary emails re the book cover.

Thanks in advance.

Bye for now


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Yeah, Second Draft Manuscript completed!!

Hi Everyone,

Well the second draft of the manuscript has been completed!! It is now with my editor, reviewing etc and I will need to do the full read through again on Monday. This has been so exciting!!

I will put a bid out tomorrow or Monday for the a webdesigner to design the book's blogsite. I have the information for the site in my head, so I will get that on paper tomorrow/ Monday.

WOW, an author, ME!!!

What is your biggest achievement this year?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Speaking Out

Hi Everyone,

I was interviewed this week, so thought that you might like to hear the interview.


Have a great weekend.

Bye for now


Crossing the Finish Line

Hi Everyone,

Just changed my profile picture showing me crossing the finish line during the 1/2 marathon.

This will give em inspiration to complete my other marathons, my book, my real marathon in January and potentially the New York marathon!!

Also let's not forget the marathon of life!!

How are your marathon's going?

Have a great weekend everyone.

Bye for now


I had a Dilemma

Hi Everyone,

I had a dilemma the other day. One of the chapters in my new book 'The Amazing Race to Entrepreneurial Freedom' mentions Tiger Woods!!

Tiger Woods is actually mentioned in the chapter on Passion!! But here the passion is Golf!!

My dilemma was that, as Tiger Woods is currently in the news for his alleged affairs, should I take him out of my book? Tiger had good a great clean image, but now?

But I decided to keep him in the book. The reason being, my inclusion of Tiger Woods, is about when one connects to their passions they can become profitable and also as talented as Tiger Woods is, he still had a coach. The reason being, he cannot see himself, therefore needs an outside viewpoint of his performance.

Despite what Tiger has or has not done, cannot take away what he has accomplished in the past in golf. So I am keeping him in my book!!

However I am not sure what the future holds, for Tiger or PGA financial projections, as I read that the negative press around Tiger Woods could cost Tiger Woods and PGA millions.


Bye for now



Hi Everyone,

How are you? The book is coming along nicely the first edited manuscript will be ready this weekend!!

I have received 3 designs for the book cover, so I need to review them and provide my feedback to the book designer.

I have sent a few chapters to business associates to read and provide testimonials once the book resonates with them.

I decided to dedicate the book to my mother Merle Guy Terry and my new niece Fallon Terry.

And I have bought the domain name www.theamazingraceforentrepreneurialfreedom.com.

So things are moving, it is getting pretty exciting!

Next week I will need to secure the services of a web designer for the web page and I am still deciding on the wording for the web page or whether I should hire someone to help me! And I need to secure the services of another editor, to read through the full manuscript, to ensure all is well.

I went for a run on Tuesday, which went well, a bit slower than normal 58 mins 22 sec for 5 miles normal time is 54 - 55 minutes. But on Tuesday evening until today, my leg is hurting, it is either a pulled muscle or my hamstring. So I have to rest it. I will go back on Monday. This is annoying but better to rest it now, than do so really bas damage!!

I have not registered for the marathon yet, I have been told that the registration forms are not ready yet!!

Bye for now


Monday, December 7, 2009

Book and Marathon update

Hi Everyone,

How was your weekend? Mine was great. My best friend Brenda is here in Trinidad for 2 weeks, so we have been catching up. We went on a hike with a group called Hikers World and after the hike, they had a little get together (or a lime, as they say in Trinidad), with lots of food and drinks. That was a nice surprise!!

And then yesterday, I went to see my sister Dora and spent some time with my new niece Fallon (who is a wonderful, gorgeous happy baby) and my mother!!

With regards to my first book, The Amazing Race to Entrepreneurial Freedom, I am busy reviewing the chapters and making the final changes!! This is so exciting. The first 13 chapters are ready!!

I secured the services of a great book designer today, who will create the book cover and be responsible for the internal layout of the book. The plan is to have the choices for the book cover by Friday. I might even let you help me choose. Would you like that?

With regards to my marathon training, this is not going so well. I pulled a muscle in my left leg a few days again, but I was still running on it. It hurt to run, but did not hurt when I ran. But I think I aggravated on the hike, so yesterday when I went out for my run, I could not run!!

So I had to walk. I decided to rest my leg today and I will get back out running tomorrow. I only have 48 days until the marathon, so HAVE TO increase my distance running.

What's new with you? How are you processing towards your current goal? I know it is coming to the end of the year, but push yourself right up to the 31 December 2009 finishing line.

Bye for now


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Coward or Courageous?

Hi Everyone,

I saw this quote today..... and I love it!

"In the beginning there is not much difference between the coward and the courageous person. The only difference is, the coward listens to his fears and follows them, and the courageous person puts them aside and goes ahead. The courageous person goes into the unknown in spite of all the fears" Osho

So who are you being right now? The coward or the courageous?

If you are the coward, what one thing can you do today, to move you closer to being courageous?

Bye for now


Monday, August 24, 2009

Authentic power happens when purpose aligns with personality to serve a greater good. O Magazine Apr 09

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

So, I let you know when I receive my invitation to Nectar Island from Richard!!
I 'knew' I would meet and talk Richard Branson, it took 13 years, but it happened!!
Richard Branson is one of greatest role models, I also had the privilege of meeting him in Tobago.
Richard Branson's says strive to deliver a better product
Richard Branson says, go into business to make a difference
Richard Branson says 'You can become the top of the business profession, just like any other profession
Richard Branson says have the right people to run companies and have a great product
The Virgin brand has 250 companies, set up as different businesses with various partners
I'll share some of Richard Branson's talk with you:
Waiting to hear my role model Richard Branson speak!! I am excited!!
“We build too many walls and not enough bridges.”

Isaac Newton quote
“Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quotes
'It's better to take imperfect action than perfect inaction'. Greg Habstritt

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Just finished a client proposal..yeah!! Now time to relax.
”The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas.” - Dr. Linus Pauling
”If we did all the things we were capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” Thomas Edison
”The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious.”
- John Scully

Friday, August 14, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I love this. 'All the advice you ever gave your partner is for you to hear'. Byron Katie
Once we change our physiology, focus and the meaning we attach to a situation, we can instantly have empowering thoughts and behaviors.
http://ping.fm/j0siE This helped me, so I wanted to share it

Growing a Home Based Business

Hi Everyone,

How are you today?

Here is the link to recording of an interview I did a few weeks ago on growing a home based business. I had a great time, it was really fun!!


I have been interviewed quite a few times now on television and on radio. Initially I would be really nervous.

What I have realised though, that once you are speaking about something you truly feel passionate and connected to, the words just flow!!

Listen to the show let me know your thoughts.

What are you truly passionate about and is what you do for a living building on your passion?

If not, why not?

When we tap into our passion we stop 'working' and start having lots of fun!!;

Bye for now

http://ping.fm/gWZ0Z This is the link to an interview on growing home based businesses. Enjoy

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Just finished watching Trinidad and Tobago play El Salvador in a world cup qualifier. 1 - 0 to T&T. Well done Soca Warriors!!!

Where do you hang out?

Hi Everyone,

I saw this on Kerry George's profile today. I loved it, so I had to share it.

'I no longer hang out at Failure's Place, near Excuses Avenue , next to Procrastination Point. I've moved to an upscale community called Higher Heights with unlimited potential and opportunities for me to succeed'.

Bye for Now


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Who do you want to become?

Hi Everyone,

How are you?

A friend sent me this quote, which I love. So I wanted to share it with you.

'If I accept you as you are, I will make you worse; however if I treat you as though you are what you are capable of becoming, I will help you to become that'. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Up until I started my own business, I knew what I wanted to become...... House Captain at school, an accountant, a consultant, a coach and with these visions I knew what I wanted to become and in taking action and seizing opportunities, these became reality.

But when I started my own company, all I thought about was, I wanted to own my own business. I did not think about being an entrepreneur!!

I am glad to say that I am now focusing on being an amazing entrepreneur, that provides outstanding quality and service to all the people I meet.

But that is only one part of me - that is the external!! The person I am becoming inside, includes being courageous, loving, friendly, accepting, risk taking, joyous, silly, fun, funny and grateful.

Who do you want to become, both inside and out?

Bye for now


Friday, July 31, 2009

Making Work become Play

Hi Everyone,

I am getting much better with technology these days!!! I have found out how to upload videos.

Where there is a will there is a way!!

Here, I have attached one of the outtakes from our video filming night!!


Bye for now


How does 2 +4 = 240?

Hi Everyone,

How are you?

So do you know the answer? The answer is -

When 2 friends are trying to film 4 minutes of video, that takes 4 hours(i.e. 240 minutes)!!! Sorry, it's the accountant in me, number love to show up from time to time.

Yes, that right!! I was filming a few videos clips for my new website. It was fun. We had to do so many takes, we just kept laughing. At I point, I even forgot what my name was.....My name is....?

I kept some of the outtakes and I will share them with you later on.

We really had fun with the process. I now have even more admiration for actors who have to do 2 hour films!!

Once the site is up, I will send you the link.

The important lesson for me was to enjoy the process. Even though it took a long time, we made the work fun, so it felt like play. So we enjoyed ourselves, we were not frustrated, we laughed etc.

So how will you make what you are doing today fun, so that it feels effortless and enjoyable?

Bye for now.


9 Ways to Achieve Extraordinary Performance in your team

Hi Everyone,

I realised the link did not work, so I have attached the article here for you.




Nine Ways to Achieve Extraordinary Performance in your Team
by Georgina Terry

Business TeamEffective teamwork is essential to your organization’s performance.

There are many teamwork definitions, but this is one of my favourites:

‘A tight knit group of competent individuals who care deeply about each other. They are fiercely committed to their mission, and are highly motivated to combing their energy and expertise to achieve a common objective.’
Are you part of a great team?
If you said yes, what makes your team great? What is your contribution to the team’s success? What outstanding results have you been able to achieve together?
If you said no, what are YOU doing that is stopping the team from being great? Yes, we all contribute to our current situations.
Working with a great group of people, creating an amazing bond and achieving great results, is a wonderful feeling.

There are certain qualities that a high performing team exhibits that will enable you to achieve great things. Below are nine fundamental behaviours that can help your team achieve extraordinary results.

1. Totally committed to each other and your overall goal
2. Curious before critical
3. Focused on the hope of success
4. Embrace people for what they bring to the team
5. Everyone accepts responsibly for all that happens – there is a ‘we’ mentality
6. Hire the inspired or inspire the hired
7. There is no room for egos
8. The appropriate leadership style is found to fit the current situation
9. The ‘leader’ in each person is given space to be ‘step up’

Which behaviours does you team already possess? When was the last time you saw these being demonstrated?

And which elements does your team need to demonstrate more on?

What more could your team achieve, if you were consistently demonstrating these behaviours? What would it feel like to work together like this? What would others say about your team?

By having faith and trust in each other, ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things!!!

Georgina Terry FCCA


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Extraordinary Performance

Hi Everyone,

Gosh, two posts in one day!!!

I told you I was back!!

Check out my article on how to create extraordinary performance http://caribhrforum.com/wordpress/2009/07/29/nine-ways-to-achieve-extraordinary-performance-in-your-team/

Let me know your thoughts.

Bye for now


Challenges are Opportunities in Disguise

Hi Everyone,

Have you missed me!!!

I have been hibernating for a while, working through the challenges that this recession has sent my way.

But I have now really come to realize (I say 'really' realize, because I thought I knew before, but didn't fully), that our challenges are really our opportunities in disguise!!

The impact of this current economic climate on me and my businesses is really rewarding!!

I have been rebranding myself, developing gifts for clients, creating new products and services, increasing my technology knowledge and reassessing my business priorities.

For one of my businesses, my business partner and I realised that we had strayed from our core service and this was hurting the overall business and draining our profits.

So we took the decision to let go of the lost making part of the business and concentrate on the core business and since then our business is back on course.

I can honestly say, it has been a refreshing, rewarding, rebirthing and humbling experience, that is allowing me to gain greater strength, clarity, passion and purpose.

What opportunities has this current economic climate brought to you?

Bye for now


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Catching the Train

Hi Everyone,

How are you?

I just wanted to share something with you.

I was in Philadelphia for a business meeting on Monday and when I was dropped off at the train station. I realised I was on the wrong platform.

I could see the train in the distance!! I was given instructions on how to get across by fellow travellers!!

I had a really heavy overnight bag, plus I only had 5 hours sleep in two days, so I was really knackered (tired).

I picked up my bag and started to run. As I ran down the platform, the train pulled in and I still had not crossed over. I found energy and strength from within and ran even faster.

Just I approached the stairs, the train conductor said to me, just little bit longer, you are almost there'

I got on the train breathless, but happy, I had made it!!

When I got on the train one of the passengers looked up and said...'You are really lucky, he waited for you, they don't usually do that'.

I said to her...'The world is changing for the better each and everyday'.

I thanked the train conductor when he came to collect payment for my ticket and I made sure, I thanked him again, when I got to my stop.

When I saw the train and decided I was going to do all I could to get it. I could have told myself, 'I won't make it or I'll wait for the next one or He won't wait for me etc' But I didn't I just got going!!

What areas in your life are you catching your 'train'?

What areas of your life are you letting the 'train' go, only to realise that you missed a great opportunity and no one knows when the next 'train' is coming?

What can you do to catch your 'train in life'? What do you need to believe to catch your 'train' to have the life you really deserve and desire?

Bye for now


Thursday, June 25, 2009

We Love you Michael!!!

Hi Everyone,

I am sure like you, I could not believe the news I heard today....Michael Jackson is dead!!

I felt and feel so sad.

I told someone the news and their respond was 'how sad. I wonder if he will die, like Elvis died'. On hearing this, at first I was a bit annoyed, as I thought this is about Michael, not Elvis.

But now, that I have had time to reflect, this was a great thing to say, that Michael will live on within us forever. He gave us so much. He is part of our childhood, part of our lives and memories across the globe. His songs bring back several memories from my past. I was blessed to have seen Michael in concert twice.

Events like this remind me to enjoy life, enjoy everyday and to do the best I can do everyday, as we do not know when it will be our time.

I hope that Michael, now has found the peace that he was searching for.

We love you Michael!!!

Bye for now.


Dare to Dream

Hi Everyone,

I am currently at a Leadership Seminar and I heard this great quote from Joesph McClendon III. I am not sure if the quote is originally his, but he quoted it yesterday.

'Those of us who dare to dream while the rest are having a nightmare, stand to inherit prosperity and will lead the world to greatness.'

I thought this quote was sooooooooooooooooooooo powerful!!

Do you dare to dream? Has your dream turned into a vision, that you can feel, touch, smell? Share your vision with someone, let it start to take form and come alive.

Bye for now.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

If you could turn back time, what event would you change?

Hi Everyone,

How are you?

I just read this and I wanted to share this with you.

'God doesn't give you the people you want, He gives you the people you NEED - To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be.'

I was watching a movie a few weeks ago '13 going on 30' with Jennifer Garner. The story is of a 13 year old girl, who wakes up and is 30!!!

At first she is loving being older, being able to drink, can go out on a school night and she has boobs!!!

But after a while, she gets to see her life and is not too happy with the person she has become.

She goes to visit her parents (she has not seen them for ages) and asks her mother - 'If you could turn back time, what would you change?' Her mum answers 'nothing', as the events have made her who she is today.

Since seeing this movie, I have asked a few people, what they would change and after some thought, they have answered the same thing, 'nothing'.

I reflected on the question myself and first I thought of at least three major (challenging) events, I would like to change, but after deeper thought, I realised, I too, would not change anything, because those events have made me soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much stronger and made me a better person.

I'll share one with you....getting divorced. Going through my separation and divorce, was heart wrenching at the time, but I became more independent, more adaptive to change and alot more courageous in life. Also this started me on the journey of learning to love myself. PRICELESS LEARNINGS!!!

What have you learnt from your most challenging events? How have they made you stronger?

Bye for now.

Gina x

Monday, June 1, 2009


Hi Everyone,

How are you?

Can you believe that it is the 1st of June already?

How is this year treating you?

It has been a very interesting year for me so far. I went into a slump for abit, 'why didn't I do this before? 'Why did I waste so much time etc etc.' As much as it was a painful period, I am glad I went through it. I am now refocused and using my time more effectively to meet my goals!!!

So, what is your number one challenge at the moment? What is keeping you up at night?

I would love to hear from you.

I have written my first two articles!!! That will be published shortly and once I know what is on your mind, I can write articles that can help you too.

Bye for now.


Also visit www.bpdassociates.com and let me know your thoughts on the site.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

How do you really learn?

Hi Everyone,

How are you?

During a coaching session with a client this week, he reflected on the following:

We learn many things over time (from books, lectures, presenters, TV etc) and then we feel we know the subject. But when you actually experience something, this is when you truly KNOW and have truly learnt, what it is all about. And this is where the wisdom is formed.

What are your thoughts?

Bye for now


Monday, May 11, 2009

We did it!!!

Hi Everyone,

Yes, we did it!!!

The website was launched on 6th May 2009. Please visit us at www.bpdassociates.com.

You can receive business strategies and ideas for growing your business in return for completing a short survey!!! Just click on the 'click here' text on our home page.

You will also have the opportunity to win a business or personal development session!!

So check us out at www.bpdassociates.com.

I would also love to receive your feedback on the site itself.

Bye for now


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Strength or Weakness?

Hi Everyone,

What have you been up to?

I have been really busy in development mode!!! I have been working on my business, rather than in my business (as advised by Michael Gerber from E-Myth).

I have teamed up with a couple of people. We have been working hard on developing our website and creating a survey to send to business owners to understand their thoughts and feelings during this economic climate.

The site will be up in the next few days and I will post a link. It would really appreciate your support in the form of feedback.

This has been a very interesting process....Three strong willed persons working together, wanting to ensure a great product is created. It has been another great learning process for me.

If you heard about StrengthsFinder 2.0 http://www.strengthsfinder.com, you will know that it is an on line assessment created by Gallup. The results from the assessment give you your top 5 talents (your signature theme). These are the top 5 talents you were born with.

It is a great tool, all my clients when they start working with me, take the assessment and it really helps them to understand themselves better and they also have a recipe to help them accelerate their performance.

My top talent is Activator. This is someone who wants things done like yesterday!!! The Activator talent is all about action!!

Once you know your top 5 talents, the purpose is to develop them into strengths (through knowledge and skill).

My Activator is a great talent for moving things forward, but the flip side to this, is that I can be very impatient. Our greatest talents can be our greatest weakness, if we do not turn it into a strength. And I can especially see this coming to the forefront re the launching of the website!!

My top 5 talents are:

Activator - All about action
Relator -Enjoy close relationships with others. Enjoys working with friends to achieve their goals
Individualisation - Intrigued by the unique qualities in people
Achiever - Great deal of stamina and work hard
Focus - Prioritise then act

If you have taken the assessment, please share your top 5 talents.

Bye for now.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Are you an Expert - but don't know it yet?

Hi Everyone,

I received a link to a great webinar on how to become 'a highly paid Expert' hosted by Brendon Burchard http://www.expertsacademy.com/tony.

Brendon explains the approach in very simple and practical tips. Check it out quickly, as I believe that the site will only be around until tomorrow.

Brendon's definition of an expert is 'a credible authority, who defines what to pay attention to, what things mean, how things work and how they might turn out - a informed person who gets highly paid for their insights'

What could you be/ are you an expert in?

Remember to check out the link asap.

Bye for now


Friday, April 10, 2009

Fired up

Hi Everyone,

How are you?

I was feeling alittle confused two days again, my mind was full, wanting to do so many things and I was not prioritizing! Once I stopped to address the situation, talked to a friend and created a plan. I was back on track!!!


I am fired up and I am kicking all my obstacles out of the way. What seemed liked huge impassable mountains yesterday, is now a pile of dust that is being blown away by a light breeze!!!!!! Watch out world.............. I am coming!!!!

People who saw this message on facebook, asked me where I got this energy from!!!

From inside of me!!! Belief and faith!!!

Bye for now!!

Happy Easter!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, April 3, 2009

Committed Heart

Hi Everyone,

I received this today and I wanted to share it with you.

It is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo true.

“Most people fail at whatever they attempt because of an undecided heart. Should I? Should I not? Go forward? Go back? Success requires the emotional balance of a committed heart. When confronted with a challenge the committed heart will search for a solution. The undecided heart searches for an escape.” - The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews

Put another way, when you find your true passion (when you are connected to your soul/ or life purpose) and allow yourself to trust yourself, you will succeed.

Bye for now


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Do you LOVE the life you Live?

Hi Everyone,

How are you?

You know what, I LOVE the life I live!!! One of the part's of my life that I love, is to help people to tap into their maximum potential to have the careers, businesses and lives they desire and deserve!!!

It gives me so much joy. I truly believe I was born for this role!! I believe that IT IS my life's purpose!!!!!

When I work with clients and they start to transform, it is a joy to witness!!!They look different, they glow, they speak differently, they laugh when they speak, their eyes shine, you can feel their confidence rising!!! And I feel so blessed, that they have allowed me to be with them on this journey.

Here are some of their comments on their experiences......

'Gina has been a beacon where light for me was not shining. With her, I have been able to pull to the surface ideas that were laying dormant and wanted to be released. She created an environment where I could focus my thoughts and prioritise my ideas. With her help I have achieved more than I could have on my own using pertinent questions that had me drawing deep on the reserves I never knew were there. I have been able to apply her methods to all areas of of my life and seen tangible results to prove this.

For example, I have been top producer for my company twice in the space of a year. My company has over 500 agents.
I would personally recommend Gina without hesitation as a coach. You will not regret the decision'. D Phillips

Gina coached me to ask myself questions I never did before and I was able to get a better understanding of me and what I wanted out of life, how to make it happen and how to stop seeking validation from external sources. I can only validate me!!

Since these life changing sessions, I finally left the dead end job after 12 years and I am currently in a job which I dictate the hours I work and how much work I do on a daily basis.
......Working with Gina has literally changed my life! Thank you!' M Ryan

'...............Georgina has helped me gain a better appreciation and understanding of my talents. She has led me to a key that opened so many doors such as improved relationships and professional growth. I am presently going after my dream of becoming an Implementation Consultant in the field of Education. Thank you, Georgina' K Phillips

As you can see, living the life you love, does not just happen to you, it was not LUCK, that helped my clients get to their next level!!!!

They created their own paths, seized opportunities, dung deep into themselves, took responsibility, opened themselves up to change, allowed themselves to dream, to feel fear, to have faith, they even CREATED their own opportunities, to have the lives they wanted!!!!

If you or someone you know, is interested in leaping to the next level in their career or business, so that they love the lives they live, email me at getstarted2day@gmail.com and I will send a gift certificate valued at TT$500 for a coaching session with me. This session will help to gain clarity on what you want from your career or business and steps on how to get there.

So, if you want to love the life you live...............GET STARTED TODAY and CREATE IT!!!!!

Bye for now


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Which is stronger..... FAITH or FEAR?

Hi Everyone,

Did you miss me?

I was flicking through the TV channels this morning (growing up the TV ruled my life!!! I rushed home to watch my favourite soap operas, I would cut conversations short on the phone with friends and family for a program etc. But I am glad to say, that over the last eight years, I hardly watch TV, so I don't know what comes on when!!!)

Anyway this morning, Dereck had put on the TV, I started to flick through the channels and I came across one of those morning prayer stations. The reason, I did not move on to the next station, was because the inspirational speaker/preacher had no limbs (medical term Phocomelia). His name is Nick Vujicic www.lifewithoutlimbs.org.

He talked so passionately and looked so content with life, I had to listen to him!!

In his sermon, Nick talked about FEAR. What is fear? False Expectations Appearing Real. I have heard this several times before from other speakers and it was a great reminder.

He also talked about FAITH. What is faith? Full Assurance In The Heart!!!

Even if you are not religious, this should make sense to you. Faith is knowing, feeling that this is the thing to do, it feels right, even if you are scared/ or have FEAR!!!

It was a great reminder for me!! I am leaping into areas, way out of my comfort zone now and FEAR is present, however I have always had FAITH. The trick is to feel the fear and push through it!!!

So, are you allowing FEAR to hold you back? What false expectations in your career, relationship business etc, are appearing real and stopping you from moving forward?

What if you replaced it with FAITH, or allowed yourself to have more FAITH than FEAR, what full assurance in your heart, do you need, to have to achieve what you desire and deserve?

What would you do if you had NO FEAR?!!!How different would your life be? How different would the current situation you are facing (redundancy, bankruptcy, separation, promotion, new career, new baby, new major contract) be?

Food for thought!!!!

Bye for now


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Recession Or No Recession? That is NOT the question!!!

Hi Everyone,

At the end of last year, when planning my outcomes /resolutions for 2009, I decided that 2009 was going to be an amazing!!! Yes, you heard me, I DECIDED!! Not the markets, analysts, newspapers, etc. This was the essence of one of my bold statements.

I am a firm believer that you create the life you want!!! This is a hard pill to swallow for some people, especially if you think your life is a struggle, you are in a bad relationship, just been laid off etc. But it is true.

Our lives are shaped by the decisions we take (or don't take), i.e. our choices, our thoughts, feelings and beliefs. We cannot necessarily stop situations from happening, but we have the choice to decide on how we view the situation and how we choice to respond!!

The choices are ours, we always have a choice. It might not be an easy choice, but there is always a choice. Not choosing, is still a choice!!!

When talking with clients about this topic, some clients will say 'that's not true, we sometimes don't have a choice' So, I tell them about a film, I was once saw, which really cemented the idea for me, that we always have a choice!!

The film is called 'Kiss the Girls' In the movie Ashley Judd is kidnapped by a serial killer and rapist. During the film she escaped. The killer realizes and starts to chase her through the forest. She running, the music is getting louder, she breathing hard and then Ashley comes to the edge of a cliff!!! She stops, looking down at the water below and then back to where she ran from. At this point the killer walks into the clearing and looks at her and you think' Oh no, that's it!!! She will have to go back with him. There is nowhere left for her to go!!!!!'

But then, Ashley looks at him and then at the edge of the cliff and you've got it!!! 'She JUMPS!!!' She decided that she has a choice of how she will live or die!!! It is amazing to watch Ashley realize that she has a choice, and with that she is liberated!!!

I won't tell you how the film ends, if you have not seen it, you should go get it!!!! Don't worry, I have not spoilt it for you!!!

Therefore within this current economic climate, I have decided that I will prosper, my businesses will grow and expand and this will be my best year yet, for helping clients to reach their current potential, revenue, profits, my relationship with my family, Dereck and friends, investments etc.

I am seeing this time, as an opportunity to grow, stretch and be creative!!!

For those of you reading this, who knows someone who also wants to prosper in 2009 too, I have some coaching gift certificates worth US$100, that I can give to you for free. Yes, for free!!!

You can give these gift certificates to your husband, wife, family members, friends or colleagues, as a gift from you. The certificate will entitles them to 30 minute coaching session with me over the phone or skype, that will help them to structure their career or business for success in 2009!!

You can even keep the certificate for yourself!!!

Email me at getstarted2day@gmail.com, put 'gift certificates' in the subject and I will email the certificate back to you, to circulate to whomever you choose. Yes, it's that simple!!!

So the question is not about the recession, in 2009. It is.....................

Are you choosing to liberate yourself or choosing to be trapped?

You know, what I am doing!!!!

See you soon


Monday, March 2, 2009

Leap out of your comfort zone

Hi Everyone,

How are you? Well, I am great!!

I am getting back into my groove and it feels wonderful!!!

I had my first business mentoring/ coaching session with Terri Levine 'The Guru of Coaching' www.terrilevine.com this afternoon.

As mentioned before, one of my bold statements for 2009 was around growing my business 'Get Started Today Limited' and I had decided that I needed a business mentor to help me!!! Don't be alarmed, even doctors go for check ups every now and then!!!

Anyway, when I decided that this is what I needed, I did not know, who, or where or when I would find this person. The spot next to Business Mentor was blank!!!

In January, one of the interviews I was listening to while running on the treadmill, was Terri. I liked what I heard, she is very practical, action orientated, no nonsense and inspiring.

So I searched for her on the net and reviewed her information and products. One of the products is a VIP coaching program. I printed everything off and thought I would look it over later, as you had to be selected to join and I wanted time to think through the application form.

I also decided that I would implement some of Terri's practical ideas.

After receiving some great feedback from a coachee on how our session had had a huge impact on his thinking and his future, I was over joyed and moved to tears!!!. Even though, as coaches we know the power of coaching, it still warms the soul, to hear how, one has helped someone, so I felt compelled to inform Terri, how her interview had inspired me and what actions I had taken. I was sure, even the 'Guru' would love to hear some feedback.

Well guess what? I got a response back from Terri!!! She gave me some great feedback on the information I had sent to her!! Amongst her responses to my email, she invited me to join her VIP program personally!!! She felt that I would be a great candidate for the program!!

Imagine that, being personally invited by the 'Guru of Coaching' to join her program to help me grow my business!!!!

For those of you, who know me, you know this is the condensed version, as time goes on and the moment is right, I will bring out the relevant pieces of the story!!

So, we started today!!!

In order to achieve my 'bold statements, I will have to leap and fly out of my comfort zone!' After a few false starts, I started to leap and I felt the fear fall away!!

Where do you need to leap to? What will you put in place, to push you out of your comfort zone? Who and what support do you need?

Come join me, it a great view from up here!!!

See you soon


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Routine verus habits

Hi Everyone,

Since my visit to London and getting back home to Trinidad, I have not settled back in my routine, of running for an hour each day, writing to you in my blog, sticking to my healthy eating plan, working etc!!

Yesterday, I started to get annoyed with myself! I had an amazing January with many great outcomes and results achieved, but February appears to have ended and I don't feel as though, I have accomplished anything!! Which is not actually true, I just checked, I've completed 50% of what I set out to do.

I can see now, why I am feeling as though not much has happened. Looking at my outcomes for February, they are all about getting ready for the next wave of results!! Completing marketing materials, completing company proposals, hiring staff, meeting new clients etc. I feel stimulated by achieving results!! Sometimes you just need to get stuff done in order to achieve the results!

And I have also realized something else too!!! The routines I mentioned earlier, running, writing to you etc, are not written in my monthly. Well no wonder, I was not focusing or working on them!!!

With any change, you have to work on it for a while, before it become a habit!!!

Definition of a habit

1. regularly repeated behaviour pattern: an action or pattern of behaviour that is repeated so often that it becomes typical of somebody, although he or she may be unaware of it. http://uk.encarta.msn.com/

My new routines are not habits yet!!

You will be pleased to know, that I did go for a run this morning and felt so much better for it and I will be spending the next few hours working on the more difficult February outcomes, so that March, can be a month were results are achieved!!!

What routines are you working on? What needs to happen for them to become HABITS?

See you.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

What needs are driving your behaviours?

Hi Everyone,

I am back!!! It's been 13 days, did you miss me?

I have had an amazing time, celebrating my 40th birthday!!!!

I spent my actual birthday with my mum, sister Michelle and my boyfriend Dereck in one of the National Trust homes in England. Here is the link, so you can see where we stayed http://www.nationaltrustcottages.co.uk/nt.asp?p=63&c=348

This was a very different birthday for me. Since the age of 16, I have always celebrated my actual birthday surrounded by friends and family. I was a nightmare, when it came to MY BIRTHDAY!!! Before email (yes there was a time, before email), I would do a count down of my birthday on my screen saver and I would change my answer machine message, informing all callers that it was my birthday on 10th February, so there was no excuse to say you forgot!!

Once everyone had email , there would be an email sent out every mid January reminding everyone, that the special day was coming!! And for EVERYONE who knew me, everyone knew my birthday was 10th February.

As a friend of mine, you were not allowed to do anything else on that day except celebrate with me!! I remember a dear friend of mine Richard, one year could not make the celebration due to a work commitment, so he sent me flowers to my office, as a gift with a card apologising for his absence!!!

I told you, I was a nightmare!!! At the time, I thought I was being completely reasonable!!

In 2006 I attended an Anthony Robbins seminar called 'Unleash the Power Within' and one of the areas he covered was the 6 basis human needs. A few months after the seminar, I realised that my behaviour around my birthday celebrations was not really about enjoying time with family and friends, it was more about my need for significance and certainty.

Significance and certainty had to be 'fed' at all times, these two needs drove my behaviours!!! It was quite a shock to come to this realisation.

Through the Anthony Robbins Mastery University http://www.tonyrobbins.com/MasteryUniversity/Index.aspx and other self awareness events and programs, Growth and Contribution are now my two driving human needs!!

So celebrating my birthday with my mum, Michelle and Dereck was just as enjoyable as my other birthdays.

Don't get me wrong, I still love to celebrate, I had my 40th birthday in London and Dereck and my friend Marjoliene threw me a surprise birthday party, when I got back to Trinidad. The difference is, I don't need to be surrounded by loads of people to feel loved, I know my family and friends love me. And if you can't make it or forgot, it's OK.

I carry everyone's love inside me, it does not have to be displayed physically anymore for me to know that it exists.

I love life and all it has to offer. I love myself and I am comfortable in my own skin!!!

Friends and family have noticed and commented on the change in my overall behaviour (not just regarding birthday celebrations). I have transcended and it is a great feeling.

Which of the 6 human needs are driving your behaviours?


What impact is this having on your life and the lives of the people around you?

See you tomorrow.


Friday, February 6, 2009

Who supports you?

Hi Everyone,

Well, I am off to London for a week's vacation to celebrate my 40th birthday with family and friends.

I have lived away from London for over 7 years now and I have been blessed to still be in contact with my dear friends and family.

Even though, I am only in London on average once a year now, my ties with my family and friends is extremely strong.

We don't talk or email everyday, but when we do, it is as though, we only spoke yesterday!!!

I decided late last year, that I had to spend my birthday with the people who I grew up with, so we could share, laugh and remember things when we were youngER!! I could not have spent it anywhere else!!!

When I use the term 'friend' it is someone , who is a part of me (not an acquaintance), someone who feels me and I feel them.

My friends are my extended family. Growing up, I took on a supportive role, I was there for everyone, but I did not let others, be there for me.

But over the last few years, I have trusted myself to trust others and this has liberated me and helped my friends and my family to give me the support they always wanted to give.

For my dear friends who are reading this (some of my friends I have known for over 29 years) , and my family (Mum, Michelle, Junior, Dora and Dereck)........

I love you with all my heart, you have supported me and loved me and this is priceless.

Here's to the next 40 plus years!!!

See you after 10th February!!!!


Thursday, February 5, 2009

What have you been doing?

Hi Everyone,

Well, next week Tuesday, 10th February will be my 40th birthday!!!

I was chatting with my friend Oneka, who turned 40 in December and we were laughing that we did not feel, like we had been around for 40 years!!! We laughed and said, 'What have we been doing for all those years!!! '

So, this got me thinking, what had I been doing? At first I thought, 'Not much!!' But the more I reflected, I realised that I have done a lot over the last 39 years!!!
  • Became House Captain at school
  • Graduated from University
  • Started working in my then chosen field - Finance
  • Started driving
  • Got married
  • Qualified as an Accountant
  • Joined one of the leading Accountancy firms
  • Got divorced
  • Became Senior Manager
  • Bought my own home
  • Changed career to become a Change Management Consultant
  • Moved to Trinidad
  • Met Dereck
  • Worked in Trinidad, Jamaica, Canada and Africa
  • Went to Disneyland
  • Commenced developing my coaching skills
  • Started my own companies
  • Learnt to love myself
  • Enjoying everyday and all life has to offer
  • Plus I have visited all 5 continents

So, by taking a quick look, over the past 39 years, I can see that I actually have been quite busy and I have enjoyed myself.

I have been blessed. I love the poem footprints http://www.wowzone.com/fprints.htm, it is one of my favourite poems.

There were some really rough and tough times during the last 39 years, (when God carried me)but I realised a few years ago, that everything that happened has made me stronger, made me love life and myself sooooooo much more and everything happened for a reason..

So, I am excited about the next 40 plus years. What will be in store for me? One thing for sure, I am going to enjoy the ride to the fullest!!!!

What have you been doing with your life? What can you do to ensure, that you enjoy every single day, that you have been blessed with?

See you tomorrow.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Hi Everyone,

One of my resolutions for this year, is to eliminate 40lbs in weight!!!My bold statement.

My resolution is not loose!! when I loose weight, I always find it back again!! So this time it is being eliminated!!

My reason for eliminating this excess weight this year, is to bring physical self and mental self into positive alignment.

I have worked on improving my life over the past 3 -4 years and now it is the time for me to 'create my ideal body'. I have removed the mental baggage, so now it is time to eliminate the excess physical baggage!!

I stole this phrase 'create your ideal body' from a coach called Terri Levine, who has created a coaching program and book called 'Create Your Ideal Body' http://www.terrilevine.com/

The habit I had to to stop, was to STOP comfort and habit eating (habit eating i.e. eating while driving, eating while working, eating because I am watching TV etc)

And the new habit is to eat consciously and to drink water when I feel hungry first.

I have been working away from home for the last three weeks and I have run for an hour everyday except Sundays ,and the visible results from these new behaviours have been.......

8lbs and 6 inches eliminated in 3 weeks!!!

My routine will change after Friday, as I am leaving to go to London to celebrate my 40th birthday with my family and friends!!! My boyfriend Dereck arrives on Sunday!!! Then I will be back in Trinidad after that, so I need to work out (no pun intended), how I will keep my new habits in a changing environment!!! I will think it through and share them with. I would love to hear , if you have any ideas too.

How are your resolutions progressing? What are your visible signs of progress?

If you have not tried out my BEHAVIOURS approach for your resolutions, or any change you are making, then check out the formula in my first ever published posting - January 26th 2009.

See you tomorrow.


Monday, February 2, 2009

What's Cooking?

Hi Everyone,

On the treadmill this morning, I was listening to an interview on my ipod with a lady called Gregory Anne http://midlifewithavengeance.com/ who has combined her culinary and coaching skills and has a business, where she helps women in their midlife stay fit and healthy.

During the interview, Gregory Anne stated if you want to know how you work, look at the way you cook. I thought about this for a moment and it actually made sense.

When I cook, (I don't do it very often, as my wonderful boyfriend Dereck, does most of the cooking) I used to have everything on the counter top, several things going on at one time and if it is in the week, I would be normally running between the laptop and the pots!!! I would be also be banging cupboards, pots and tasting everything as I go!!

When I compare this to how I used to work, it is actually quite similar. I would have papers around me, with scribbles and notes, I would have email open and I would switch regularly between emails and the work I doing.

Dereck can normally tell, if I have been working and cooking in between. He says he can taste it, 'the love is missing!!' This makes sense, in that my focus was not on the cooking, hence it was not my best and the same applies to my work. If my mind is on several things, I don't produce my best work.

So now, if and when I do cook, I stop working and concentrate on one thing and guess what? The meal is cooked faster, I am not stressed out, and my work gets completed too. This works for me, as I am not a great mutli tasker.

So how do you cook? And how are these habits, showing up in other parts of your life?

And if you don't like cooking or don't cook, how are these habits showing up in your life?

Whcih habits help you and which ones don't?

What can you put in your recipe for success?

See you tomorrow.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Break it up into bite size pieces

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are having or had a great weekend.

When does change become easy?

When it becomes normal, i.e. accepted.

The theories that talk about change are based on 'Elizabeth Kubler Ross, '5 stages of Grief' Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. http://rule-of-thumb.net/2008/09/26/the-change-curve/

About two years ago, I was working abroad with a team in the oil industry and we worked 28 days on and 28 days off. Yes, 28 days straight, for 11 -12 hours per day!!! Saturday and Sunday is just another work day and that includes Christmas Day!!! I was in a meeting on Christmas Day at 9.00 am!!! When I said to my friend Barry, I can't believe we are working on Christmas Day, he said 'Christmas begins at 2.30 pm !!!' DENIAL

And when I started this assignment, I used to count the days!!! It was really hard going at first, being away from home for so long and with people you did not know and nothing familiar around you.

Two weeks into my first month, I hit a wall. I was tired, missing home ANGER

Eventually I said to myself (yes I do talk to myself!!!I know you do too). You are not helping yourself and you are not a quitter, so how will you make this work?' BARGAINING

'I am not sure that I can do this for a year!!!!' DEPRESSION

This thoughts kept going round and round in my head, then I said 'It's a month on and a month off. Therefore in reality, I only had to do this for 6 months!! I was half way through my first month, therefore I only had 5 months left. OK, I can get through 5 months!!!' ACCEPTANCE

Once I had broken this down into bite size pieces, it was much easier to swallow!!

It reminds of something I heard, when I first starting in consulting'

'How do you eat an elephant?' '

'Piece by piece!!!'

By the end of my second month, everything was fine. Then before I knew it, the year was over!!! I really enjoyed the year and I also grew both personally and professionally.

What are you facing, that is making you feel overwhelmed?

What bite size pieces can you create, that will help you to see your clear path forward?

Oh, guess what? I am working here again for a little while!!! I have one week left and the previous three weeks have flown by. When asked to come back, I was happy to accept. It's does not feel like change anymore, it feels normal!!

See you tomorrow


Saturday, January 31, 2009

Press Pause

Hi Everyone,

Last night, I caught the end of the movie 'Click' with Adam Sandler. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0389860/plotsummary

I have seen the movie before and remembering it to be quite entertaining, I decided to watch the last 30 minutes.

For those of you, you don't know the film. It is about a husband and father, who is stressed at work and is finding it hard to spend time with his family and build his career. He goes to a store on day, to buy a universal remote and find one with 'extra' features!!!

With this new remote, he can fast forward his life. So he decides to fast forward parts of his life (arugments with his wife, promotions at work, time with his parents, kids etc). This all works well until, he realises that he is no longer in control of his life, the 'remote' is!! When he gets a chance to rewind to the parts of his life that he has fast forwarded, he sees himself with his family, he is there in body, but his mind is elsewhere. At the end, as he is dying, he says to his ex-wife and grown up kids, that he hardly recognises 'Family comes first'

When I first saw this movie, I felt sorry for him after a while. but on watching it this time, I was able to see a connection between Adam Sandler's character and my life and the lives of many other people.

How many times, have you fast forwarded through life in order to meet your work commitments?
How many times have you rushed through family events or cancelled them, because you have other 'more important' things to do?
How many times, have you been to visit your parents, but your mind is elsewhere and you hardly engage in any conversation?
How many times, have you focused on your next promotion and once you get it, you focus on the next one?

I know, I used to be guilty of these!!(I sometime slip back into old habits, but the difference is now, is that I can catch myself doing it and then I stop it)

There are parts of my life, that I don't remember. My sister Michelle asks me regularly, if I remember certain events, parties, conversations etc, and some I can't even recall!! I was there, but only in body!!!

A few times in my life, 'life' was in control, not me and when life 'pressed pause', it was rather painful!!

A book that helped me to learn how to'press pause' is 'The Power of Now' by Erkhart Tolle. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1577314808/bookstorenow57-20

Erkhart states that most of us live in the past or live in the future, but we need to learn to live in the 'Now', to live in the present!!!

His book helped me to see where some of my unhappiness was coming from. I was not even taking time to celebrate the successes I had sacrificed so much for!! I had either been worrying about things that had happened or worried about things that had not happened yet. Does this sound familiar?

I suggest that you take control and 'press pause', because if you don't life will step in and press it for you!!!!

What have you recently fast forwarded?
When has life, 'pressed pause for you?
If you were to 'press pause now', what would you start doing?

One of the things I do now, is call my mum and speak to her everyday (one of resolutions).

I also spend quality time with friends and family. I left London over seven years ago and even though I visit at least once a year, it is a world wind trip. so i tend to have a dinner with all my friends at the same time. So we see each other, but we don't really catch up.

So this year, I decided to take five weeks off work in total (I worked for three weeks in between). So, I was away from home for eight weeks!!!

During my trip, I planned to see all my family and closest friends separately!!! Each day was amazing!!! We shared, we laughed, we cried, we talked about old times. I have to say it was one of the best times in my life and guess what, because I was in the 'Now', I remember every magic moment, that we shared!!!

Press pause!! You will glad that you did.

See you tomorrow.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pack Your Own Parachute

Hi Everyone,

No, I am not going sky diving (even though I have always wanted to, but I have not gotten enough courage yet to do it).

'Pack your own parachute', was a term used by a consulting colleague of mine. It basically means, make sure, you have everything in place to make things happen!!

One of my resolutions this year, was to have made 20k profit in my investments (I have no shares at the moment, so this is a bold statement), through building a strong and profitable investment portfolio. This might sound grand, but all I mean, is that I wanted to buy some cheap shares in a few stable companies and then over the next 5 -10 years, watch them grow.

My best friend Brenda and I decided a few years ago to invest in ourselves and we hired a investment mentor, to teach us how to find good shares and make money in the stock market.

Since we took the mentoring class, I have to say honestly, we have not really used the skills we acquired!! Why do people do that? Spend money to learn something and then do nothing with it?
I know for me, one of the reasons, I did not put my new skills into practise, was because I thought I was not good enough at it and I thought I might fail.

A dear friend of mine Cyndi said to me, 'If you are not trading, then you have already failed' That woke me up!!!

So, back to my resolution for this year
  • 20k profit from my investments.
  • The habit I had to stop, was to STOP stalling
  • One of the new habits was to build a watch list of companies, I would like to invest. ( This will allow me to notice whether the shares prices are rising and falling and help me to see, when would be the best time buy).

So that's what I did. I built my watch list (using information from the news, or http://www.fool.com/, they send me daily information on the market and the economy, banking info etc and it is really jargon free).

Anyway, I have been watching shares in a company called Xstrata. Brenda and I had bought shares in this company about 2 years ago for 21 GBP and sold then for about 36 GBP!!! Well with the economy the way it is right now, the shares were down to about 7GBP.

So, I put my skills into practice and worked out that once the shares fell below 6 GBP, I would buy them.

Then guess what, yesterday, the shares were at about 5.50 GBP. I was so excited. The company was issuing cheap shares to raise capital.I was going to BUY!!! I was READY!!!

So, I excitedly went into Brenda and my share on line account to buy the shares. I had the password and log on. YEAH, I was in. But then they wanted the secret word!!!! No! No!. I did not know it!! Brenda had set up the account!!! So why couldn't I call Brenda I hear you ask?!!

BECAUSE she is on holiday and I did not have a number for her!!!! I did not pack my own parachute!!! I always relied on Brenda to make the transactions!!! So I watched the share price rise yesterday and could not get in the game!!! Something just came to me!! I did not even think of a different way to buy the shares!!! If I had thought of a solution, rather than just starred at the problem, I might have those shares now at the 5ish GBP price!!!

So, when getting ready to do anything, make sure that you have thought everything through, so you can seize the opportunity when it comes, rather than have to sit on the plane and watch everyone else jumping out and having an amazing time!!

See you tomorrow.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Take a Deep Breathe

Hi Everyone,

How are you today?

I am great!!! I am so excited and full of energy today. It's so funny, the number of emotions we can go through in such a short space of time!!!

Last night, I was fired up with all the different topics, I could share with you on my blog and then I could not decided which ones to share first, then it got confusing, then exciting and I started to feel like a news reporter.

I woke up still energised and while running on the treadmill (I have run everyday but Sunday, for the past three weeks and i am enjoying myself. I feel like a runner now, so the running feels effortless. It's amazing...sorry I digress).

I was on the treadmill listening to a podcast (yes, funny, I have changed from listening to music and I actually find it more energising listening to people talking and sharing things I am passionate about, rather than music...interesting). Anyway, today by chance (or not), I happened to be listening to Suzanne Falter Barnes http://www.getknownnowblog.com/ and www.howmuchjoy.com about how to use blogging to grow your business.

By the time I got back to take a shower, my head was spinning, I was feeling empty, all the ideas that had been buzzing around, seemed to have disappeared!! I said to myself 'why are you feeling like this?'

I kept pondering and then I realised, I was trying to see how I could do everything NOW!!! There were so many great ideas and tips. My head /thoughts, had taken over my feelings!! All my energy was in my head and not in my body, no wonder I was feeling empty!!

So, I stopped the thoughts and took a deep breathe, and asked myself 'What had I been trying to do before my feeling changed? What had I been passionate about?' And guess what, my positive energy came back.

So, when you are next feeling overwhelmed, confused, lost, empty, take a deep breathe and just ask yourself 'What made me feel passionate about this? What am I trying to do?'. This will help you find the clarity and direction you need to continue on the journey.

The deep breathe sends oxygen to your brain, which naturally starts to calm you down and gets your body and brain connected again.

We have the power to control our emotions, so take a deep breathe and decide where you want your energy to go!!

See you tomorrow


The Power of Belief

Hi Everyone,

How are you today?

On the news this morning, I heard a disturbing story. A husband and father in the USA, killed his family (wife and 5 children) and himself apparently because he lost his job!!! http://news.uk.msn.com/world/article.aspx?cp-documentid=13384720&icid=ukhotmail

This story brought tears to my eyes!! This man's 'power of belief', made him do the impossible...Kill his whole family!!!

I am sure if he had been asked previously - 'What would have to happen for you to kill your whole family?' He would have said 'Nothing. That's impossible!!'

The 'power of belief' is so strong in all of us. Imagine, if we chose to use our 'power of belief', to empower ourselves, rather than to disempower. How different would our lives be? How different would the lives of this family be?

Think of two empowering things that you consider to be impossible for you to achieve. (E.g. owning your own business, being happily married, graduating, etc) What would need to happen for this to be possible?

My passion and purpose in this life, is to help people to tap into their maximum potential to design the careers they want, all in order to have the lives they desire. On hearing this story, this morning, I realised, even more how important, my purpose is. God blessed me with some amazing skills, that I have not always valued, because I took them for granted. But once I believed in my power, I have been putting my skills to work.

I am helping others to put their natural powers to work, so that they too, can achieve the impossible!!!

So, now you can see, why having 'bold' statements that you truly believe in, is one of the keys to achieving your resolutions.

See you tomorrow.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hi All,

How was your day? I am very tired today, as I slept late last night, but for good reason.

I created my company profile last night!! I had not intended to work on this last night, but I started toying with it and then after about 3 hours (I was so excited and engrossed in the work, that I did not realise the time!! )

Over the past year, I have writing statements of my purpose and vision of what I do and what I would like the business to focus on and last night it all came together!! It was an amazing feeling!! I rang my mum to share my joy with her.

Before I was trying to put all of my ideas into one business, therefore I now realise that's why my vision was not clear. I was trying to help people with different needs all in the same place!!!

I now realise that I have 4 related business ideas, but they are for totally different audiences!!!

Now that the ideas have been separately labelled, i can package them one at a time and make them available to the right people!!!

So this leads into the the first behavioural change for 2009. FOCUS!!!

Bold statement is to increase my business revenue by 100% which will
Enhance my life, by providing me with financial security (which is the first step to absolute financial independence), the
Habit stopped was 'loosing focus',
And the new habit is to 'focus on one business idea at a time, complete it and share it
Visible progress, booked work for every month
Incredible celebrations - having an early night to night!!!
On to the next one - that come's tomorrow!!
Understand the role of family and friends - shared my joy of my company profile with my mum, who is one of my major
Sounding boards

So there you have it!!

I am so proud of myself, I honored my promise to you and myself and I have kept my blog current. OK I know it only been 2 days, but that is great progress!!!

See you tomorrow.


Monday, January 26, 2009

At last....I did it!!!

Hi All,

I did it!!!

I have committed to starting up and keeping up with my blog. Gina's Passion, do you like the name?

I created a blog last year made two entries, but never published it!!! But not this time. I am full of energy, passion, joy and love. I have so much to share with you!!!

My life is transcending to another level. 2009 is already an amazing year for me and the world!!!
I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo excited.

I created an approach for successfully achieving new years resolutions and to practise, what I preached, I completed the process my self.

It was am amazing exercise (even if I do say so myself!!!). It took me two hours to complete. I was in New York for New Year's Eve with my boyfriend Dereck and while he watched 'Saw' (I don't like horrors. I scream, jump and don't really enjoy them at all). Anyway I went into the bedroom and from 9.30 pm - 11.30 pm, I completed my newly created BEHAVIOURS process for my New Years Resolutions. I got some much clarity about what I wanted, but more than that, I got even greater insight into why, I wanted these changes and the value it would add to my life!!

I would like to share my BEHAVIOURS approach with you.

B old Statements to
E nhance my life
H abits stopped
A nd replaced with new ones
V isible progress leads to
I deal celebrations
O nce the resolutions are made, I need to
U nderstand the role of friends and family who will be
R eliable and supportive and who will help me to
S ucceed

Yes, I truly believe, that behaviours are the key to success!!!

Please note, that I am originally from London, hence I have used the UK spelling!!! - Just in case you were wondering!! I now live in Trinidad, but more about that as we get to know each other better.

So over the next few days, I will share each of my new year's resolutions using my 'behaviours' process.

Hopefully with me sharing my journey with you, it will inspire you start your journey too.

So tomorrow I will share my first resolution for 2009!!

Are you excited?

See you tomorrow.
