Thursday, May 21, 2009

How do you really learn?

Hi Everyone,

How are you?

During a coaching session with a client this week, he reflected on the following:

We learn many things over time (from books, lectures, presenters, TV etc) and then we feel we know the subject. But when you actually experience something, this is when you truly KNOW and have truly learnt, what it is all about. And this is where the wisdom is formed.

What are your thoughts?

Bye for now


1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with this thought.
    How do we experience things?
    When we are present in the moment, in alignment with our thoughts, our hearts and grounded in our bodies.
    Only then when we truly experience it in our bodies does the knowledge become wisdom.
    Perhaps that is exactly why once we learn to ride a bike we never forget.
