Sunday, April 25, 2010

Power of Collaboration

Hi Everyone,

How are you?

I just wanted to share a few things with you today.

My dear friend Hueina Su, had a book launch this Thursday and became a best selling author on Amazon in 2 categories!!!Intensive Care for the Nurturer's Soul hit #1 on Amazon in Home and Community Health, #1 in Home and Community Care. She is so excited.

Congratulations Hueina!

What enabled Hueina to accomplish this great achievement was not only writing an amazing book, but also realising that in order to reach her goal, she needs help/collaboration from others.

Many times when we are faced with a challenge/goal etc, we feel that we must go it alone. This is not necessary. We have so much support friends, family, colleagues, teachers, coaches, neighbours etc, that we can tap into. But most of the time, we do not ask!

Fear of rejection, fear of looking desperate and vulnerable can stop us from asking, but these fears also can stop us from achieving!

Years ago that was how I lived my life, not asking anyone for help or guidance. I was tough, could not show vulnerability!

But thank God, through my quest of self discovery, being coached, etc I have let go of those fears and am able to ask for help, guidance, direction, support etc and life has become so much easier!

I was talking to a coaching colleague the other day and he said something I want to share.....'The more vulnerable I am, the stronger I become!' Oh how true!

The other day, I was struggling with something and I shared my thoughts with two colleagues, I decided to be 'naked' in front of them (i.e not literally, but shared my thoughts and frustrations- just in case you had visions of me naked in the office) and one of them helped me to see new perspectives.

When he left the room, the other person I was with, got up and kissed my cheek and said with tears in her eyes, she said 'thank you for sharing, I needed to hear what you said and you have really helped me!'

In a coaching session with a client last week, a client shared that she was going through a tough time personally and needed more support from her husband. Normally she would do everything herself (Super mum!), but she NEEDED help! So she asked! and guess what happened? Her husband is helping! Should he have helped without her asking, maybe. But that is not the point here. She asked and she received!

The points I am making are: if you need help on your Amazing Race to Entrepreneurial Freedom, A more fulfilling career, a happier life, whatever your Amazing Race do not have to do it alone. The help you need is right there, you just have to ask!

So who will you ask, this week to help you on your Amazing Race?

Bye for now


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