Saturday, January 31, 2009

Press Pause

Hi Everyone,

Last night, I caught the end of the movie 'Click' with Adam Sandler.

I have seen the movie before and remembering it to be quite entertaining, I decided to watch the last 30 minutes.

For those of you, you don't know the film. It is about a husband and father, who is stressed at work and is finding it hard to spend time with his family and build his career. He goes to a store on day, to buy a universal remote and find one with 'extra' features!!!

With this new remote, he can fast forward his life. So he decides to fast forward parts of his life (arugments with his wife, promotions at work, time with his parents, kids etc). This all works well until, he realises that he is no longer in control of his life, the 'remote' is!! When he gets a chance to rewind to the parts of his life that he has fast forwarded, he sees himself with his family, he is there in body, but his mind is elsewhere. At the end, as he is dying, he says to his ex-wife and grown up kids, that he hardly recognises 'Family comes first'

When I first saw this movie, I felt sorry for him after a while. but on watching it this time, I was able to see a connection between Adam Sandler's character and my life and the lives of many other people.

How many times, have you fast forwarded through life in order to meet your work commitments?
How many times have you rushed through family events or cancelled them, because you have other 'more important' things to do?
How many times, have you been to visit your parents, but your mind is elsewhere and you hardly engage in any conversation?
How many times, have you focused on your next promotion and once you get it, you focus on the next one?

I know, I used to be guilty of these!!(I sometime slip back into old habits, but the difference is now, is that I can catch myself doing it and then I stop it)

There are parts of my life, that I don't remember. My sister Michelle asks me regularly, if I remember certain events, parties, conversations etc, and some I can't even recall!! I was there, but only in body!!!

A few times in my life, 'life' was in control, not me and when life 'pressed pause', it was rather painful!!

A book that helped me to learn how to'press pause' is 'The Power of Now' by Erkhart Tolle.

Erkhart states that most of us live in the past or live in the future, but we need to learn to live in the 'Now', to live in the present!!!

His book helped me to see where some of my unhappiness was coming from. I was not even taking time to celebrate the successes I had sacrificed so much for!! I had either been worrying about things that had happened or worried about things that had not happened yet. Does this sound familiar?

I suggest that you take control and 'press pause', because if you don't life will step in and press it for you!!!!

What have you recently fast forwarded?
When has life, 'pressed pause for you?
If you were to 'press pause now', what would you start doing?

One of the things I do now, is call my mum and speak to her everyday (one of resolutions).

I also spend quality time with friends and family. I left London over seven years ago and even though I visit at least once a year, it is a world wind trip. so i tend to have a dinner with all my friends at the same time. So we see each other, but we don't really catch up.

So this year, I decided to take five weeks off work in total (I worked for three weeks in between). So, I was away from home for eight weeks!!!

During my trip, I planned to see all my family and closest friends separately!!! Each day was amazing!!! We shared, we laughed, we cried, we talked about old times. I have to say it was one of the best times in my life and guess what, because I was in the 'Now', I remember every magic moment, that we shared!!!

Press pause!! You will glad that you did.

See you tomorrow.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pack Your Own Parachute

Hi Everyone,

No, I am not going sky diving (even though I have always wanted to, but I have not gotten enough courage yet to do it).

'Pack your own parachute', was a term used by a consulting colleague of mine. It basically means, make sure, you have everything in place to make things happen!!

One of my resolutions this year, was to have made 20k profit in my investments (I have no shares at the moment, so this is a bold statement), through building a strong and profitable investment portfolio. This might sound grand, but all I mean, is that I wanted to buy some cheap shares in a few stable companies and then over the next 5 -10 years, watch them grow.

My best friend Brenda and I decided a few years ago to invest in ourselves and we hired a investment mentor, to teach us how to find good shares and make money in the stock market.

Since we took the mentoring class, I have to say honestly, we have not really used the skills we acquired!! Why do people do that? Spend money to learn something and then do nothing with it?
I know for me, one of the reasons, I did not put my new skills into practise, was because I thought I was not good enough at it and I thought I might fail.

A dear friend of mine Cyndi said to me, 'If you are not trading, then you have already failed' That woke me up!!!

So, back to my resolution for this year
  • 20k profit from my investments.
  • The habit I had to stop, was to STOP stalling
  • One of the new habits was to build a watch list of companies, I would like to invest. ( This will allow me to notice whether the shares prices are rising and falling and help me to see, when would be the best time buy).

So that's what I did. I built my watch list (using information from the news, or, they send me daily information on the market and the economy, banking info etc and it is really jargon free).

Anyway, I have been watching shares in a company called Xstrata. Brenda and I had bought shares in this company about 2 years ago for 21 GBP and sold then for about 36 GBP!!! Well with the economy the way it is right now, the shares were down to about 7GBP.

So, I put my skills into practice and worked out that once the shares fell below 6 GBP, I would buy them.

Then guess what, yesterday, the shares were at about 5.50 GBP. I was so excited. The company was issuing cheap shares to raise capital.I was going to BUY!!! I was READY!!!

So, I excitedly went into Brenda and my share on line account to buy the shares. I had the password and log on. YEAH, I was in. But then they wanted the secret word!!!! No! No!. I did not know it!! Brenda had set up the account!!! So why couldn't I call Brenda I hear you ask?!!

BECAUSE she is on holiday and I did not have a number for her!!!! I did not pack my own parachute!!! I always relied on Brenda to make the transactions!!! So I watched the share price rise yesterday and could not get in the game!!! Something just came to me!! I did not even think of a different way to buy the shares!!! If I had thought of a solution, rather than just starred at the problem, I might have those shares now at the 5ish GBP price!!!

So, when getting ready to do anything, make sure that you have thought everything through, so you can seize the opportunity when it comes, rather than have to sit on the plane and watch everyone else jumping out and having an amazing time!!

See you tomorrow.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Take a Deep Breathe

Hi Everyone,

How are you today?

I am great!!! I am so excited and full of energy today. It's so funny, the number of emotions we can go through in such a short space of time!!!

Last night, I was fired up with all the different topics, I could share with you on my blog and then I could not decided which ones to share first, then it got confusing, then exciting and I started to feel like a news reporter.

I woke up still energised and while running on the treadmill (I have run everyday but Sunday, for the past three weeks and i am enjoying myself. I feel like a runner now, so the running feels effortless. It's amazing...sorry I digress).

I was on the treadmill listening to a podcast (yes, funny, I have changed from listening to music and I actually find it more energising listening to people talking and sharing things I am passionate about, rather than music...interesting). Anyway, today by chance (or not), I happened to be listening to Suzanne Falter Barnes and about how to use blogging to grow your business.

By the time I got back to take a shower, my head was spinning, I was feeling empty, all the ideas that had been buzzing around, seemed to have disappeared!! I said to myself 'why are you feeling like this?'

I kept pondering and then I realised, I was trying to see how I could do everything NOW!!! There were so many great ideas and tips. My head /thoughts, had taken over my feelings!! All my energy was in my head and not in my body, no wonder I was feeling empty!!

So, I stopped the thoughts and took a deep breathe, and asked myself 'What had I been trying to do before my feeling changed? What had I been passionate about?' And guess what, my positive energy came back.

So, when you are next feeling overwhelmed, confused, lost, empty, take a deep breathe and just ask yourself 'What made me feel passionate about this? What am I trying to do?'. This will help you find the clarity and direction you need to continue on the journey.

The deep breathe sends oxygen to your brain, which naturally starts to calm you down and gets your body and brain connected again.

We have the power to control our emotions, so take a deep breathe and decide where you want your energy to go!!

See you tomorrow


The Power of Belief

Hi Everyone,

How are you today?

On the news this morning, I heard a disturbing story. A husband and father in the USA, killed his family (wife and 5 children) and himself apparently because he lost his job!!!

This story brought tears to my eyes!! This man's 'power of belief', made him do the impossible...Kill his whole family!!!

I am sure if he had been asked previously - 'What would have to happen for you to kill your whole family?' He would have said 'Nothing. That's impossible!!'

The 'power of belief' is so strong in all of us. Imagine, if we chose to use our 'power of belief', to empower ourselves, rather than to disempower. How different would our lives be? How different would the lives of this family be?

Think of two empowering things that you consider to be impossible for you to achieve. (E.g. owning your own business, being happily married, graduating, etc) What would need to happen for this to be possible?

My passion and purpose in this life, is to help people to tap into their maximum potential to design the careers they want, all in order to have the lives they desire. On hearing this story, this morning, I realised, even more how important, my purpose is. God blessed me with some amazing skills, that I have not always valued, because I took them for granted. But once I believed in my power, I have been putting my skills to work.

I am helping others to put their natural powers to work, so that they too, can achieve the impossible!!!

So, now you can see, why having 'bold' statements that you truly believe in, is one of the keys to achieving your resolutions.

See you tomorrow.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hi All,

How was your day? I am very tired today, as I slept late last night, but for good reason.

I created my company profile last night!! I had not intended to work on this last night, but I started toying with it and then after about 3 hours (I was so excited and engrossed in the work, that I did not realise the time!! )

Over the past year, I have writing statements of my purpose and vision of what I do and what I would like the business to focus on and last night it all came together!! It was an amazing feeling!! I rang my mum to share my joy with her.

Before I was trying to put all of my ideas into one business, therefore I now realise that's why my vision was not clear. I was trying to help people with different needs all in the same place!!!

I now realise that I have 4 related business ideas, but they are for totally different audiences!!!

Now that the ideas have been separately labelled, i can package them one at a time and make them available to the right people!!!

So this leads into the the first behavioural change for 2009. FOCUS!!!

Bold statement is to increase my business revenue by 100% which will
Enhance my life, by providing me with financial security (which is the first step to absolute financial independence), the
Habit stopped was 'loosing focus',
And the new habit is to 'focus on one business idea at a time, complete it and share it
Visible progress, booked work for every month
Incredible celebrations - having an early night to night!!!
On to the next one - that come's tomorrow!!
Understand the role of family and friends - shared my joy of my company profile with my mum, who is one of my major
Sounding boards

So there you have it!!

I am so proud of myself, I honored my promise to you and myself and I have kept my blog current. OK I know it only been 2 days, but that is great progress!!!

See you tomorrow.


Monday, January 26, 2009

At last....I did it!!!

Hi All,

I did it!!!

I have committed to starting up and keeping up with my blog. Gina's Passion, do you like the name?

I created a blog last year made two entries, but never published it!!! But not this time. I am full of energy, passion, joy and love. I have so much to share with you!!!

My life is transcending to another level. 2009 is already an amazing year for me and the world!!!
I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo excited.

I created an approach for successfully achieving new years resolutions and to practise, what I preached, I completed the process my self.

It was am amazing exercise (even if I do say so myself!!!). It took me two hours to complete. I was in New York for New Year's Eve with my boyfriend Dereck and while he watched 'Saw' (I don't like horrors. I scream, jump and don't really enjoy them at all). Anyway I went into the bedroom and from 9.30 pm - 11.30 pm, I completed my newly created BEHAVIOURS process for my New Years Resolutions. I got some much clarity about what I wanted, but more than that, I got even greater insight into why, I wanted these changes and the value it would add to my life!!

I would like to share my BEHAVIOURS approach with you.

B old Statements to
E nhance my life
H abits stopped
A nd replaced with new ones
V isible progress leads to
I deal celebrations
O nce the resolutions are made, I need to
U nderstand the role of friends and family who will be
R eliable and supportive and who will help me to
S ucceed

Yes, I truly believe, that behaviours are the key to success!!!

Please note, that I am originally from London, hence I have used the UK spelling!!! - Just in case you were wondering!! I now live in Trinidad, but more about that as we get to know each other better.

So over the next few days, I will share each of my new year's resolutions using my 'behaviours' process.

Hopefully with me sharing my journey with you, it will inspire you start your journey too.

So tomorrow I will share my first resolution for 2009!!

Are you excited?

See you tomorrow.
