Thursday, March 19, 2009

Do you LOVE the life you Live?

Hi Everyone,

How are you?

You know what, I LOVE the life I live!!! One of the part's of my life that I love, is to help people to tap into their maximum potential to have the careers, businesses and lives they desire and deserve!!!

It gives me so much joy. I truly believe I was born for this role!! I believe that IT IS my life's purpose!!!!!

When I work with clients and they start to transform, it is a joy to witness!!!They look different, they glow, they speak differently, they laugh when they speak, their eyes shine, you can feel their confidence rising!!! And I feel so blessed, that they have allowed me to be with them on this journey.

Here are some of their comments on their experiences......

'Gina has been a beacon where light for me was not shining. With her, I have been able to pull to the surface ideas that were laying dormant and wanted to be released. She created an environment where I could focus my thoughts and prioritise my ideas. With her help I have achieved more than I could have on my own using pertinent questions that had me drawing deep on the reserves I never knew were there. I have been able to apply her methods to all areas of of my life and seen tangible results to prove this.

For example, I have been top producer for my company twice in the space of a year. My company has over 500 agents.
I would personally recommend Gina without hesitation as a coach. You will not regret the decision'. D Phillips

Gina coached me to ask myself questions I never did before and I was able to get a better understanding of me and what I wanted out of life, how to make it happen and how to stop seeking validation from external sources. I can only validate me!!

Since these life changing sessions, I finally left the dead end job after 12 years and I am currently in a job which I dictate the hours I work and how much work I do on a daily basis.
......Working with Gina has literally changed my life! Thank you!' M Ryan

'...............Georgina has helped me gain a better appreciation and understanding of my talents. She has led me to a key that opened so many doors such as improved relationships and professional growth. I am presently going after my dream of becoming an Implementation Consultant in the field of Education. Thank you, Georgina' K Phillips

As you can see, living the life you love, does not just happen to you, it was not LUCK, that helped my clients get to their next level!!!!

They created their own paths, seized opportunities, dung deep into themselves, took responsibility, opened themselves up to change, allowed themselves to dream, to feel fear, to have faith, they even CREATED their own opportunities, to have the lives they wanted!!!!

If you or someone you know, is interested in leaping to the next level in their career or business, so that they love the lives they live, email me at and I will send a gift certificate valued at TT$500 for a coaching session with me. This session will help to gain clarity on what you want from your career or business and steps on how to get there.

So, if you want to love the life you live...............GET STARTED TODAY and CREATE IT!!!!!

Bye for now


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Which is stronger..... FAITH or FEAR?

Hi Everyone,

Did you miss me?

I was flicking through the TV channels this morning (growing up the TV ruled my life!!! I rushed home to watch my favourite soap operas, I would cut conversations short on the phone with friends and family for a program etc. But I am glad to say, that over the last eight years, I hardly watch TV, so I don't know what comes on when!!!)

Anyway this morning, Dereck had put on the TV, I started to flick through the channels and I came across one of those morning prayer stations. The reason, I did not move on to the next station, was because the inspirational speaker/preacher had no limbs (medical term Phocomelia). His name is Nick Vujicic

He talked so passionately and looked so content with life, I had to listen to him!!

In his sermon, Nick talked about FEAR. What is fear? False Expectations Appearing Real. I have heard this several times before from other speakers and it was a great reminder.

He also talked about FAITH. What is faith? Full Assurance In The Heart!!!

Even if you are not religious, this should make sense to you. Faith is knowing, feeling that this is the thing to do, it feels right, even if you are scared/ or have FEAR!!!

It was a great reminder for me!! I am leaping into areas, way out of my comfort zone now and FEAR is present, however I have always had FAITH. The trick is to feel the fear and push through it!!!

So, are you allowing FEAR to hold you back? What false expectations in your career, relationship business etc, are appearing real and stopping you from moving forward?

What if you replaced it with FAITH, or allowed yourself to have more FAITH than FEAR, what full assurance in your heart, do you need, to have to achieve what you desire and deserve?

What would you do if you had NO FEAR?!!!How different would your life be? How different would the current situation you are facing (redundancy, bankruptcy, separation, promotion, new career, new baby, new major contract) be?

Food for thought!!!!

Bye for now


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Recession Or No Recession? That is NOT the question!!!

Hi Everyone,

At the end of last year, when planning my outcomes /resolutions for 2009, I decided that 2009 was going to be an amazing!!! Yes, you heard me, I DECIDED!! Not the markets, analysts, newspapers, etc. This was the essence of one of my bold statements.

I am a firm believer that you create the life you want!!! This is a hard pill to swallow for some people, especially if you think your life is a struggle, you are in a bad relationship, just been laid off etc. But it is true.

Our lives are shaped by the decisions we take (or don't take), i.e. our choices, our thoughts, feelings and beliefs. We cannot necessarily stop situations from happening, but we have the choice to decide on how we view the situation and how we choice to respond!!

The choices are ours, we always have a choice. It might not be an easy choice, but there is always a choice. Not choosing, is still a choice!!!

When talking with clients about this topic, some clients will say 'that's not true, we sometimes don't have a choice' So, I tell them about a film, I was once saw, which really cemented the idea for me, that we always have a choice!!

The film is called 'Kiss the Girls' In the movie Ashley Judd is kidnapped by a serial killer and rapist. During the film she escaped. The killer realizes and starts to chase her through the forest. She running, the music is getting louder, she breathing hard and then Ashley comes to the edge of a cliff!!! She stops, looking down at the water below and then back to where she ran from. At this point the killer walks into the clearing and looks at her and you think' Oh no, that's it!!! She will have to go back with him. There is nowhere left for her to go!!!!!'

But then, Ashley looks at him and then at the edge of the cliff and you've got it!!! 'She JUMPS!!!' She decided that she has a choice of how she will live or die!!! It is amazing to watch Ashley realize that she has a choice, and with that she is liberated!!!

I won't tell you how the film ends, if you have not seen it, you should go get it!!!! Don't worry, I have not spoilt it for you!!!

Therefore within this current economic climate, I have decided that I will prosper, my businesses will grow and expand and this will be my best year yet, for helping clients to reach their current potential, revenue, profits, my relationship with my family, Dereck and friends, investments etc.

I am seeing this time, as an opportunity to grow, stretch and be creative!!!

For those of you reading this, who knows someone who also wants to prosper in 2009 too, I have some coaching gift certificates worth US$100, that I can give to you for free. Yes, for free!!!

You can give these gift certificates to your husband, wife, family members, friends or colleagues, as a gift from you. The certificate will entitles them to 30 minute coaching session with me over the phone or skype, that will help them to structure their career or business for success in 2009!!

You can even keep the certificate for yourself!!!

Email me at, put 'gift certificates' in the subject and I will email the certificate back to you, to circulate to whomever you choose. Yes, it's that simple!!!

So the question is not about the recession, in 2009. It is.....................

Are you choosing to liberate yourself or choosing to be trapped?

You know, what I am doing!!!!

See you soon


Monday, March 2, 2009

Leap out of your comfort zone

Hi Everyone,

How are you? Well, I am great!!

I am getting back into my groove and it feels wonderful!!!

I had my first business mentoring/ coaching session with Terri Levine 'The Guru of Coaching' this afternoon.

As mentioned before, one of my bold statements for 2009 was around growing my business 'Get Started Today Limited' and I had decided that I needed a business mentor to help me!!! Don't be alarmed, even doctors go for check ups every now and then!!!

Anyway, when I decided that this is what I needed, I did not know, who, or where or when I would find this person. The spot next to Business Mentor was blank!!!

In January, one of the interviews I was listening to while running on the treadmill, was Terri. I liked what I heard, she is very practical, action orientated, no nonsense and inspiring.

So I searched for her on the net and reviewed her information and products. One of the products is a VIP coaching program. I printed everything off and thought I would look it over later, as you had to be selected to join and I wanted time to think through the application form.

I also decided that I would implement some of Terri's practical ideas.

After receiving some great feedback from a coachee on how our session had had a huge impact on his thinking and his future, I was over joyed and moved to tears!!!. Even though, as coaches we know the power of coaching, it still warms the soul, to hear how, one has helped someone, so I felt compelled to inform Terri, how her interview had inspired me and what actions I had taken. I was sure, even the 'Guru' would love to hear some feedback.

Well guess what? I got a response back from Terri!!! She gave me some great feedback on the information I had sent to her!! Amongst her responses to my email, she invited me to join her VIP program personally!!! She felt that I would be a great candidate for the program!!

Imagine that, being personally invited by the 'Guru of Coaching' to join her program to help me grow my business!!!!

For those of you, who know me, you know this is the condensed version, as time goes on and the moment is right, I will bring out the relevant pieces of the story!!

So, we started today!!!

In order to achieve my 'bold statements, I will have to leap and fly out of my comfort zone!' After a few false starts, I started to leap and I felt the fear fall away!!

Where do you need to leap to? What will you put in place, to push you out of your comfort zone? Who and what support do you need?

Come join me, it a great view from up here!!!

See you soon
