Sunday, March 15, 2009

Which is stronger..... FAITH or FEAR?

Hi Everyone,

Did you miss me?

I was flicking through the TV channels this morning (growing up the TV ruled my life!!! I rushed home to watch my favourite soap operas, I would cut conversations short on the phone with friends and family for a program etc. But I am glad to say, that over the last eight years, I hardly watch TV, so I don't know what comes on when!!!)

Anyway this morning, Dereck had put on the TV, I started to flick through the channels and I came across one of those morning prayer stations. The reason, I did not move on to the next station, was because the inspirational speaker/preacher had no limbs (medical term Phocomelia). His name is Nick Vujicic

He talked so passionately and looked so content with life, I had to listen to him!!

In his sermon, Nick talked about FEAR. What is fear? False Expectations Appearing Real. I have heard this several times before from other speakers and it was a great reminder.

He also talked about FAITH. What is faith? Full Assurance In The Heart!!!

Even if you are not religious, this should make sense to you. Faith is knowing, feeling that this is the thing to do, it feels right, even if you are scared/ or have FEAR!!!

It was a great reminder for me!! I am leaping into areas, way out of my comfort zone now and FEAR is present, however I have always had FAITH. The trick is to feel the fear and push through it!!!

So, are you allowing FEAR to hold you back? What false expectations in your career, relationship business etc, are appearing real and stopping you from moving forward?

What if you replaced it with FAITH, or allowed yourself to have more FAITH than FEAR, what full assurance in your heart, do you need, to have to achieve what you desire and deserve?

What would you do if you had NO FEAR?!!!How different would your life be? How different would the current situation you are facing (redundancy, bankruptcy, separation, promotion, new career, new baby, new major contract) be?

Food for thought!!!!

Bye for now


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