Sunday, February 1, 2009

Break it up into bite size pieces

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are having or had a great weekend.

When does change become easy?

When it becomes normal, i.e. accepted.

The theories that talk about change are based on 'Elizabeth Kubler Ross, '5 stages of Grief' Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.

About two years ago, I was working abroad with a team in the oil industry and we worked 28 days on and 28 days off. Yes, 28 days straight, for 11 -12 hours per day!!! Saturday and Sunday is just another work day and that includes Christmas Day!!! I was in a meeting on Christmas Day at 9.00 am!!! When I said to my friend Barry, I can't believe we are working on Christmas Day, he said 'Christmas begins at 2.30 pm !!!' DENIAL

And when I started this assignment, I used to count the days!!! It was really hard going at first, being away from home for so long and with people you did not know and nothing familiar around you.

Two weeks into my first month, I hit a wall. I was tired, missing home ANGER

Eventually I said to myself (yes I do talk to myself!!!I know you do too). You are not helping yourself and you are not a quitter, so how will you make this work?' BARGAINING

'I am not sure that I can do this for a year!!!!' DEPRESSION

This thoughts kept going round and round in my head, then I said 'It's a month on and a month off. Therefore in reality, I only had to do this for 6 months!! I was half way through my first month, therefore I only had 5 months left. OK, I can get through 5 months!!!' ACCEPTANCE

Once I had broken this down into bite size pieces, it was much easier to swallow!!

It reminds of something I heard, when I first starting in consulting'

'How do you eat an elephant?' '

'Piece by piece!!!'

By the end of my second month, everything was fine. Then before I knew it, the year was over!!! I really enjoyed the year and I also grew both personally and professionally.

What are you facing, that is making you feel overwhelmed?

What bite size pieces can you create, that will help you to see your clear path forward?

Oh, guess what? I am working here again for a little while!!! I have one week left and the previous three weeks have flown by. When asked to come back, I was happy to accept. It's does not feel like change anymore, it feels normal!!

See you tomorrow



  1. How nice of you to share. I know a bit how you feel. however, on the move inspires growth, as long as you check your temperatures frequently enough to drink water, swim in the sea, lie in a bathtub, lie in a massage salon; or have a beer.
    I am going to actually connect with you shortly just because I feel the need to do one of those things.
    Love and Peace, Yvonne

  2. I really love this and it is so important for us to keep these stages in our minds and definitely our situations in life will be so much easier to swallow. Just a couple of days ago I began to feel so overwhelmed by my work load and how our economy is changing as my close friend got retrenched last week. It actually bought tears to my eyes and I need to finally accept and move forward! Believe that and all will be well.

    Take care, Mary Lou

  3. Well hello, old friend. So you are still in Malabo? I can't believe it. Good to hear from you and good for you for starting a blog. I will keep checking back.
